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Here’s a collection of some of the newest information and resources on Latino cancer:
Spanish-Language Health Resource
On its Web site, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) offers an Información en español section and a variety of consumer materials and other health tools in Spanish on topics such as quality of care, surgery, diseases, quitting smoking, and prescriptions.
Bilingual Consumer Health Information
Numerous agencies, organizations, associations, and book and video distributors provide consumer health information in Spanish. The Web site of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine offers a sampling of sources of bilingual information. The list contains resources originating from the U.S.
Hispanic Demographic Fact Sheets
There are differences across the 10 major U.S. Hispanic population groups, such as citizenship (by birth or naturalization) and English proficiency. They are also vary by age, tend to live in different areas of the country, and have varying levels of education, home ownership rates and poverty rates. These and other characteristics are explored in fact sheets (one for each country-of-origin group) produced by the Pew Hispanic Center, using data from the 2008 American Community Survey.
By The Numbers
of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage