Latino Males Lag Behind in College Enrollment


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According to a new report, while college enrollment numbers for Latino males continues to rise, they still lag behind female Latinos in terms of college enrollment. This disparity increases as the level of higher education increases. The report, from Excelencia in Education, found that Latino males represent half of the traditional college-aged Americans in total.

Other findings from the report were that Latino male high school dropout rates have decreased significantly. In 2014, the high school dropout rate for Latino males was 12% down considerably from 26% in 2005. The graduation rates for Latino males and females have proven to be similar, with Latino males at 49% and females at 51%.

Latinos are also the second largest group of college-age males overall. In 2014, Latinos represented 21% of the traditional college-age population compared to 55% of whites. In 2014, 38% of Latino students enrolled in graduate programs were male, while 62% were female.

The report also determined that Latino males earn less college degrees than females at 20% for males and 25% for females, as of 2014. However, Latino males increased their numbers in earning associate degrees or higher over the last 10 years. This rate increased by nearly 120% from 2005 to 2014. Those earning bachelor’s degrees also greatly increased over the same time period by 103%.

Read more about the report here.

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