Maria Huerta: Latina Cancer Survivor


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Maria Huerta, was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 32 years old. “You cannot imagine how your life can change in the snap of a finger. Well, mine did. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993. At the time I was caring for her I would say to myself, “Oh God, what would I do?” Little did I know I would go through it myself when I was diagnosed a year later at age 32,” Maria says.

While she was taking a shower Maria discovered a lump and immediately told her mother and daughter. “At the time I was hurting financially and prayed to God that if it needed immediate attention to please provide the money so I could have it taken care of.”

A few days later Maria was surprised by her employer with an envelope with money for her treatment.

“I was devastated by the doctor’s news. My mother was there for me as I had been for her. But no matter how much moral support we have, we have to face reality as individuals. Help comes when one comes to terms with the problem. I broke down when I looked in the mirror for the first time, but I thought, if I don’t accept myself, who will?”

Because of her young age her doctor suggested six months of chemotherapy, but something inside of Maria told her she wanted to hear a second opinion. “The second doctor took the time to review the results and then took an extra step as well. He redid the lab work, and when he confirmed that there was no cancer in the lymph nodes told me I did not need chemotherapy. I was glad I had trusted my gut feeling.”

Today, Maria lives in Kerrville, Texas and works as an artist’s model in Fredericksburg.

“Survivorship is holding on to Jesus. I will continue giving God all the Glory and Honor. Taking one day a time even when you are knocked down so hard that it takes the wind out of you , remember to dust yourself off and get up to move forward…….to give thanks to God for another day, that He got me through.”

Read Maria’s full story on Redes en Accion’s Nuestras Historias.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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