Maryvale Workshops Allow For Community Input on Ways to Prevent Childhood Obesity


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Maryvale on the Move works to influence and bring about healthy changes to Maryvale and Canyon Corridor–two predominantly Latino neighborhoods in Phoenix. Residents from the Maryvale neighborhood of Phoenix met for a series of workshops to provide input as to what improvements needed to be made in their community. Some expressed concern over a lack of lighting and a need for more physical activity and less junk food in their neighborhoods. Residents also made recommendations like installing a roundabout to calm traffic and establishing Farmers’ Markets.

After meeting with groups of local residents from these neighborhoods, and community organizations, Maryvale on the Move identified four goals.

The four goals are:

(1) create community gardens;

(2) increase availability of healthy food;

(3) improve recreation opportunities; and

(4) expand the number of safe streets.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood

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