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More than 55 million people of Latino ethnicity live in the United States, comprising 17 percent of the country’s total population. Latinos make up the nation’s largest ethnic group and it is expected that by 2060, one in three individuals will identify themselves as Latino.
According to a report released by the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), Latinos still lag behind the majority White community in many economic indicators. These factors include employment, income, and wealth accumulation. The gaps are largest among non-native Latinos.
Some of the data from the report shows that the median Latino worker earns 72% of what non-Latino Whites earn and the median Latino household income is $42,500, nearly $18,000 less than non-Latino Whites. The disparity runs across genders, as well, as Latino women earn just $.55 for every dollar earned by non-Latino men.
The report examines multiple aspects of the economic state of the Latino community in the U.S., including population growth, demographics, education, and retirement security. It determined that Latino households are twice as likely to live in poverty as non-Latino households.
In terms of education, U.S.-born Latinos fair better than their non-native counterparts as they are twice as likely to obtain a college degree. However, less than two-thirds of Latinos over the age of 25 have high school diplomas.
By The Numbers
Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years