Our Children’s Future Is in Danger. Will You Step Up?


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Latino kids face dire rates of obesity, diabetes, and related conditions.

Can you be a Salud Leader for kids?

Salud America!, a Latino childhood obesity prevention network, is recruiting Salud Leaders to join a national movement to start and support healthy changes in communities and schools.

A Salud Leader is a parent, school personnel, or community leader who drives healthy changes like working to unlock playgrounds for use after school hours, pushing for healthier food options, starting a farmers market, removing sugary drinks from daycares, etc.

If you sign up, you get (for free):

  • A spot on our national Salud Leader map.
  • The ability to connect with other local leaders and see trending policies and stories.
  • Customized data about the health issues in your area (a Salud Report Card).
  • Direct contact from a Salud America! curator who can offer technical assistance and help finding data, or write up your story/research/program to share with a national audience.
  • Periodic news and action emails.

The first 250 to register will be entered into a drawing for a JAWBONE FITNESS TRACKER!

Register today and use our website and help to become a Salud Leader of healthy change!

Salud America! is a national program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and directed by the Institute for Health Promotion Research at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio.

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