Search Results for "mental health"

Mental Health Workforce Shortage More Critical in Minority Communities

Texas' severe shortage of mental health professionals is compounded by a disparity in diagnosing and treating the state's rapidly growing Latino and other minority communities, the Texas Tribune reports. The report indicates that 64% of all psychiatrists were white, 3.5% were black, and 12.4% were Hispanic in 2009. Watch this captivating video to see more about this ...

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Building for Holistic Health: Mental Wellness

architecture happiness building design

Architecture can influence many aspects of health, including body temperature and allergies — even our mental health. From window placement to floor design, how buildings are laid out will influence the way a person feels. More importantly, this influence can impact the day-to-day lives of people, according to Ben Channon, a U.K. architect and author of "Happy by Design." "We spend 80% of time indoors, but we give little thought to how bricks and mortar impact us physiologically," Channon told Planning, BIM & Construction Today. "Most building design prioritizes cost efficiencies and overheads, rather than paying attention to the nuances of human experience." Design, Characterless and Inexpensive Whether a room is small and cozy or large and grandiose, it can shift aspects ...

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Gardening Helps Mental and Physical Health

Growing your own food has grown in popularity over the last few years, according to the National Gardening Association who reveal in 2013 over 40 million households are active in some type of urban food gardening. Gardens help the mind and the heart with encouraging light-to- moderate physical activity with digging, planting, pulling and more. The mind can also benefit from gardening as one learns the nutritious benefits of fresh food, how to incorporate nutritious fresh vegetables into your diet and ways to garden to help to relieve stress and depression. Many farm-to-school programs incorporate educational lessons to help classrooms explore healthy habits, trying new foods, and learning what it takes to grow a plant from seed to harvest. Community gardens and school gardens ...

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The Importance of Latino Representation for Advancing Population Health

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This content is from the "Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos: 2024 Conference Proceedings." Demographics and Public Policy: Implications for Latino Cancer Dr. Elena V. Rios is President & CEO of the National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) and president of NHMA’s National Hispanic Health Foundation. Inequity in the healthcare system Dr. Rios’s presentation began by focusing on the changing demographics in the US. By 2035, Latino individuals will make up 1 out of every 4 Americans, meaning that the future of the country is intertwined in the Latino experience. The current 63 million Latino individuals in the US make up 19% of the population; however, only 9% of oncologists are Latino, and only 1/3 of those are women. This is important in light of the high ...

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Addressing Latino Cancer Health Equity by Exploring Non-Medical Drivers of Health

advancing the science of cancer in latinos proceedings healthy food latina woman

This content is from the "Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos: 2024 Conference Proceedings." Designing Food Pantries to Improve Food Security Among Cancer Survivors Dr. Sandi Pruitt is Associate Professor and Associate Director of Community Outreach, Engagement, and Equity in the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She also serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for Crossroads Community Services. Food security and cancer Dr. Sandi Pruitt’s presentation discussed food security and cancer, best practices and solutions, and a Dallas pantry redesign. The gold standard for measuring food security is the validated US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) survey, which is offered in 6, 10, and 18 question ...

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Making the Case: Cancer in Latinos is a Public Health Crisis

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This content is from the "Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos: 2024 Conference Proceedings." Structural Determinants of Health Impacting Latino Cancer Health Disparities: Genetic Cancer Risk Assessment Dr. Alejandra Hurtado de Mendoza is an Assistant Professor at the Cancer Prevention and Control Program at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. Disparities across the continuum Dr. Hurtado de Mendoza’s presentation focused on disparities in genetic cancer risk assessment, multi-level barriers that Latinos face across the genetic cancer risk assessment continuum, and an example of a multilevel intervention to decrease disparities. The presentation began by discussing how disparities in the genetic cancer risk assessment continuum begin with awareness. Only ...

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New UT Health San Antonio Multispecialty and Research Hospital Set to Open

New Multispecialty Research Hospital at night.

After years of anticipation, the brand-new UT Health San Antonio hospital is set to open its doors to the public on Dec. 10, 2024.  The UT Health San Antonio Multispecialty and Research Hospital is the first of its kind.  Serving patients in South Texas, the hospital aims to be a hub for innovative therapies and treatments for cancer and other diseases while granting visitors access to experts in their fields of study.   Let’s break down all the details about the new UT Health San Antonio hospital and how it will serve Latinos and all people in The Alamo City.  New UT Health San Antonio Hospital   The new $472 million facility stands at eight stories tall to house advanced interventional radiology, a specialized intensive care unit and an integrated imaging center ...

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Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez Speaks Up for Latino Representation in Research, Healthcare

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Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, leader of Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, joined other Latino cancer experts to discuss Latino representation in clinical trials, research, and healthcare on a podcast episode for the Cancer History Project by The Cancer Letter. The episode features: Dr. Ramirez Dr. Luis Carvajal-Carmona, University of California, Davis Dr. Edith Perez, Mayo Clinic Dr. Marcia Cruz-Correa, University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center Dr. Yolanda Sanchez, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Dr. Ruben Mesa, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Comprehensive Cancer Center (moderator) The group explores cancer in Latinos, health equity, and how to support Latino cancer care clinicians, researchers, and patients. “The pipeline ...

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