Physical Activity, Not Body Mass Index, Predicts Less Disability Before and After Stroke


Latino health walking physical activity
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Stroke is the most frequent cause of adult-onset disability in the US.

Sadly, there are disparities in average age for stroke, meaning some populations are at an increased risk at a younger age and some populations live with the physical, emotional, and financial burdens at a younger age. For example, the average age for stroke in Latinos is 67 compared to 80 for non-Latino whites.

Physical activity may be your best bet to not only prevent a stroke, but to reduce disability or impairment after a stroke. People who are less physically active are less likely to be able to do basic self-care functions like bathing, eating and getting in and out of bed after a stroke compared to those who were regularly physically active, according to a new report.

The act of being active may be what keeps you healthy, and walking works.

It is up to us-teachers, employers, urban planners, developers, engineers, professionals from public health, parks, healthcare, and community organizations-to build a culture of health to ensure that our kids grow up active and healthy.

Teachers and schools can ensure kids get plenty of time for recess and PE.

Spread the word. Physical activity is not just for recreation or fun; physical activity is for life. Everyone deserve safe places to walk and be active.


By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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