Pittsburgh Adopts Complete Streets Policy


Latino Health bike safety physical activity
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Joining over 900 jurisdictions across the country, Pittsburgh (2.3% Latino) adopted a Complete Streets Policy in November, 2016, in partnership with the Pittsburgh Climate Initiative to make it safer to travel using alternative modes of transportation in order to reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Complete Streets policies—including laws, resolutions, executive orders, policies, and planning and design documents—encourage and provide safe access to destinations for everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, ethnicity, or how they travel. Check out their toolkit.

Safe access to active modes of travel, like walking and biking, are critical to increase kid’s physical activity and reduce their risk for lifelong chronic disease, as well as to accommodate our growing population while reducing greenhouse gas emission. Walkability and bikeability are also great for economic development.

Safe routes to healthy food is particularly critical to ensure all kids have a chance to grow up a healthy weight.

Read about the best complete streets policies of 2015.

Watch a Salud Hero video about adopting a complete streets policy in San Antonio.

Do you wish your community had more safe opportunities to walk and bike to work, school, parks, or healthy food?

Don’t wait for someone else. Start the conversation now. Follow elected officials and community leaders on social media and tell them your safety and health concerns and ask how you can get involved. Follow groups or organzations focused on safe streets, kid’s health, or greenhouse gas emissions and ask how you can support them.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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