Pokemon Go and Mental Health


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By now you’re most likely aware of Pokémon Go, an app that was more popular than Twitter for a time.

Pokémon Go is a GPS-based augmented reality gaming app that forces players to go out and explore the outdoors in order to “catch ’em all” (Pokemon creatures).

According to mental health experts, this gaming app can help individuals with depression by forcing them to go out of their home and do physical activity and interact with other individuals and friends.

“The developers behind Pokémon Go didn’t mean to create a mental health gaming app,” psychologist John M. Grobol wrote for his site, PsychCentral. “But they’ve done so, and the effects seem to be largely positive.”

A 2018 study found that 33% of Pokémon Go players reported changes in social behavior since they started playing.

Within this group:

  • 85% spoke to more unfamiliar people
  • 76% spent more time with friends
  • 41% made new friends while playing
  • 51% reported that the game increased their physical activity.

“In addition, 29 percent reported an improved sense of well-being and 12 percent reported weight loss. Study participants with a history of mental health treatment spent more time playing than those without previous mental health treatment,” according to researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

This is backed by studies that show that taking a walk for at least 10 minutes a day can significantly improve mood and mental health.

There are many other ways to improve mental health!

  • Students and teachers are pushing big mental health solutions!
  • Minerva Perez built mental health support for Latino immigrants in new York!
  • Dr. Heyman Oo helped build a school-based program to deliver mental health &and resiliency training for immigrant students!
  • Here are seven ways to start your mental health journey!

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