UPDATE: The Portland Mercado Seeks Healthy and Hispanic Flavor-Oriented Food Venders


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The Latino community in Portland, OR, along with the Hacienda Community Development Corporation (HCDC) have exciting plans for a new fruit and veggie venue with cultural roots.

The Portland Mercado will combine elements of indoor public markets and farmers’ markets with the bustle and feel of many Latin American open-air markets. The Mercado entrepreneurs will offer a mix of goods and services, including culturally specific prepared and fresh foods and artisan and handcrafted items. The HCDC’s reputation as a trusted advocate for the low-income Latino community will help promote the Mercado as a safe, legal, and reliable place to find goods and services.

Update: The Portland Mercado is seeking healthy and specialty product vendors for the new market. The group is working hard to respond to the desire for healthy foods in the neighborhood and to represent the diverse flavors of Latin America to the City of Portland. Learn more here. 

Check out the Portland Mercado on Facebook!


By The Numbers By The Numbers



for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood

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