A public meeting to discuss plans for the Bringhurst Bridge was held on April 2, 2013. Representatives from TxDOT, the City of Houston and the bridge's design team, were available to answer any questions the public had. A report summarizing comments of the public meeting will be made available at the TxDOT website during the summer of 2013. ...
NUSD's Food and Nutritional Services's webpage where you can view monthly menus, access food resources, and learn more about the district's healthy food projects, like garden gleaning. ...
New article written by a high school student in Fairfax Co. Virginia, reporting on what RFFK is doing to enhance healthy options at their schools and what they will continue to ...
This slideshow presentation discusses policy changes in Baldwin Park and describes the demographics of residents living there. According to the data presented here, 80.1% of the population is Latino, and 29.9% of the population is under the age of 18. A bar chart indicates that students in the 9th grade had a 27% prevalence of obesity. Now the City of Baldwin Park has incorporated health as a pillar in their areas for policy adoption.http://www.naleo.org/institutes/HC_Chicago_2012/Session ...
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Communities Creating Healthy Environments (CCHE) initiative is part of RWJF’s efforts to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic by 2015. Communities Creating Healthy Environments (CCHE) recognizes LUPE's achievements, which serve to increase physical activity in the Latino community, by improving neighborhood safety, through providing street lights. ...
In this video, bike advocate Jeff Anderson describes why he felt a need to bring a Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) to Wolftrap elementary school. He also talks about more students riding bikes to school since bike racks were ...