State Rep. Linda Harper-Brown (R-Irving) and Sen. Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) filed a “Complete Streets” bill which would require the Texas Department of Transportation to “recognize that bicycle, pedestrian, and transit modes are integral elements of the transportation system,” and develop safer streets for people to walk, bike or ...
Learn about the mind, exercise, nutrition, do it! program (MEND), an evidence based program for kids ages 7-13 which has been used in some of the nation's leading physical activity intervention studies for children. Over 30,000 people from five different countries have participated in a MEND ...
This press release announces the passage of A.B. 441, in California, which seeks to increase health equity, by requiring transportation plans to document how the health residents will be affected by the implementation of transportation ...
This is the letter that Ms. Wells's class sent to the editor of the Fort Mills Times, explaining why they think they should have a second recess period. ...
The number of children who are active on a daily basis is a nationwide concern. Although children perform better academically when they are active, only six states require physical education, and only 20% of schools require recess. ...
Supporters of the Interagency Working Group (IWG) on Food Marketed to Children urged President Obama to ensure that voluntary guidelines for recommended ceilings on the amounts of sugar, sodium, and unhealthy fats be finalized. Although these guidelines were optional, advertisers of junk food claimed that these standards were a violation of first amendment rights. Still, those in support of the guidelines, such as Margo G. Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), believe that the marketing of unhealthy foods to children is contributing to childhood obesity. Recently, the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative, the industry's self regulatory program, proposed nutrition standards. However, the low standards set by the industry still allow for the ...
During 2011-2012, 13 schools, and 7,600 students participated in the Healthy Zone School Recognition Program. As part of the healthy zone school program parental involvement was encouraged, especially during the summertime when children were away from school. Parents were provided with an at home curriculum so that they could continue to encourage kids to eat healthy foods and participate in physical activity, throughout their summer break. During 2012-2013, the Healthy Zone School Program is expected to reach over 17,000 children at 32 different schools. ...
This video showcases the top nine scoring communities in the H-E-B Community Challenge. One winner was selected from a small, medium, or large city. Among these three categories, San Antonio won the large city challenge, Brownsville the medium city, and Pflugerville the small city challenge. ...