The National Physical Activity Plan (NPAP) gains momentum, as it guidelines begin to be used to develop state and local level physical activity plans. In 2012, San Antonio and the state of West Virginia both released physical activity plans modeled after the ...
This brief serves as a call to action, that would inform Massachusetts residents of the impact that obesity will have on the state if it is not addressed. It also describes the current state of physical activity and current policies and environmental support programs. ...
Springfield, Massachusetts has one of the highest obesity rates in all of the state. This comes as no surprise when safe places to participate in physical activity are limited. In order to solve these problems, Mass in Motion Springfield established a joint use agreement with schools. This joint use agreement opened the doors to two schools located in neighborhoods of need. Roughly 26 children showed up to the gym every night after the doors of the schools had been opened. In the end this agreement provided a safe place where children could be active. ...
The mayor announces his support for the Active Living Plan, a plan that was created by the Active Living Council with input from the Mayor's Fitness council and SA2020. ...
Membership with BikeTexas strengthens this voice of cyclists and pedestrians in Texas. Learn how to become a member of BikeTexas. Memberships are available to individuals and families. ...