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#SaludTues Tweetchat 10/2: Recognizing Health Fraud

miracle cure health fraud pill bottles

Did you know that Latinos and African-Americans report fraud less than the rest of the population? Sadly, many Latinos and other minorities don't know that reporting fraud helps stop it. Join our tweetchat to learn more about protecting yourself and loved ones from health fraud. Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, to tweet in English and Spanish about the latest strategies to help Latinos and all people avoid health fraud and get access to truly beneficial health care! WHAT: #SaludTues Bilingual Tweetchat: "Recognizing Health Fraud" TIME/DATE: 1 P.M. ET, Tuesday, October 2, 2018 WHERE: On Twitter using hashtag #SaludTues HOST: @SaludAmerica CO-HOSTS: FDA Office of Minority Health (@FDAOMH), FDA en Espanol (@FDAenEspanol), FDA Office of Regulatory ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 9/25: Latinos & Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes Prevention Program

Over 1 in 2 Latinos are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes at some point in their lifetime. The good news is that type II diabetes can often be delayed or prevented with modest (5-7%) weight loss. But how can one act if they don't know their risk? Contrary to what some might believe, the cause is not always genetic. Even individuals with prediabetes can still take important steps to prevent from seeing the disease progress into diabetes. One important step for prediabetic individuals is getting referred to a diabetes prevention program. However, of 84 million individuals with prediabetes, only 11.6% are aware they have this condition. Join us this #SaludTues on Tuesday, September 25, 2018, to find out how to take action and tweet about Latinos and the Diabetes Prevention ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 9/18: Let’s Improve Immigrant Health

latino boy outside

Latinos immigrants face a big lack of access to support for economic stability, education, and health. To best support Latino immigrant and all families, research shows a need to develop and support high-quality early care and education programs, home environments free of chronic stress, and poverty-reducing programs and policies. To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018, to tweet about innovative ways to improve health equity and well-being for immigrant and all families! WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat─Let's Improve Immigrant Health! TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. ET (Noon-1 p.m. CT), Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018 WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues HOST: @SaludAmerica CO-HOSTS: The Society of Behavioral Medicine ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 9/11/2018: “Change the Way You Commute: Why & How”

Skateboarding and taking the bus.

Commuting is often the worst part of our day. Driving is linked to poor physical and mental health, increased risk for traffic fatalities and serious injuries, and is the leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Changing the way you commute can help improve your health and the health of the environment. Whether you’re heading back to school or just want to change up your routine, ditch the car and explore ways to add walking, biking, and transit to your commute. UPDATE: Check out the recap on Wakelet.  Let's use #SaludTues on September 11, 2018, to tweet about ways to change your commute and why it’s important. WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat: “Change the Way You Commute: Why & How” TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. EST Tuesday, September 11, 2018 WHERE: On Twitter ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 9/4: Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

kid cancer

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! Why is it important to acknowledge Childhood Cancer Awareness month? It is important to acknowledge Childhood Cancer Awareness Month because 15,780 children under the age of 21 are diagnosed with cancer every year, according to the American Cancer Childhood Organization. 25% of those children will not survive the disease. Why is it important to acknowledge Childhood Cancers Amongst Latinos? We already know that cancer is the leading cause of death among Latinos in the United States. Furthermore, a new study recently found that Latino and black children are more likely to die of numerous childhood cancers than their white counterparts. But wait, there’s more bad news. Latinos are also more likely to receive a cancer diagnoses ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat: Why Affordable Housing Matters for Health

Health starts and is sustained in the communities we live, work, and play. However, in many places, affordable housing is not available, subjecting families to unstable, inferior, and crowded housing while isolating them in areas with limited access to education and employment opportunities. This reduces their ability to stay healthy. It increases their risk of physical and mental health issues. Achieving and maintaining good health requires the efforts of urban and transportation planners, housing experts, elected leaders, educators, and many more. UPDATE: View a recap of this Tweetchat on Wakelet. Use #SaludTues on August 21, 2018, to tweet about why affordable housing matters for health, and what you can do to create healthier places to live! WHAT: #SaludTues ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 8/14: Tackling the Latino Alzheimer’s Crisis

hispanic latina lady face older

Did you know one new case of Alzheimer’s disease occurs every 65 seconds in the United States? Sadly, U.S. Latinos are 1.5 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than whites, studies show. Alcohol, sleep deprivation, and diabetes play a role. This can stress Latino family caregivers. Preventing Alzheimer’s is critical as the young Latino population ages. Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018, to tweet about the latest research and beneficial strategies and programs to prevent and reduce Alzheimer's Disease among Latinos and all people! WHAT: #SaludTues Bilingual Tweetchat─Tackling the Latino Alzheimer's Crisis TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. ET (Noon-1 p.m. CT), Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018 WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues HOST: @SaludAmerica ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 8/7/18: Working Together to Build a Culture of Health

jovenes sanos youth group community advocacy effective communication for cohesive culture

Latinos and other communities of color many big barriers to good health. They face poverty and lack access to healthy food, safe places to play, social services, and quality early care and education. That results in high rates of obesity and disease and poor academic and life outcomes. But there is hope for change. Communities across the nation are working to build this culture of health, where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018, to tweet about innovative ways for communities, schools, businesses, and groups can team up to promote a culture of health for Latinos and all people! WHAT: #SaludTues Bilingual Tweetchat─Working Together to Build a Culture of Health TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. ET ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 7/31: HPV Prevention & Back to School Month!

August is just around the corner which means national immunization month is nearly upon us! Nearly 30,000 cases of cervical, oral, vaginal and penile cancers can be prevented each year with human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While many kids and families will soon be getting ready for the new school year, now is the perfect time to make sure your preteens and teens get the HPV vaccine. Girls and boys usually begin this series of vaccines between the ages of 11-12 years. However, certain cultural barriers and misinformation can keep kids from getting vaccinated. This is especially true among Latino populations where HPV vaccination rates remain low. Join us this #SaludTues on Tuesday, July 31, 2018, to ...

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