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September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!
Why is it important to acknowledge Childhood Cancer Awareness month?
It is important to acknowledge Childhood Cancer Awareness Month because 15,780 children under the age of 21 are diagnosed with cancer every year, according to the American Cancer Childhood Organization.
25% of those children will not survive the disease.
Why is it important to acknowledge Childhood Cancers Amongst Latinos?
We already know that cancer is the leading cause of death among Latinos in the United States.
Furthermore, a new study recently found that Latino and black children are more likely to die of numerous childhood cancers than their white counterparts.
But wait, there’s more bad news.
Latinos are also more likely to receive a cancer diagnoses in later, less curable cancer stages.
Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 to tweet about childhood cancer awareness and childhood cancer amongst Latinos.
- What: #SaludTues Tweetchat – Childhood Cancer Awareness
- Time/Date: 1-2P.M. ET (Noon-1P.M. CT), Tuesday, September 4, 2018
- Where: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues
- Host: @SaludAmerica
- SPECIAL GUESTS: MD Anderson Cancer Center (@MDAndersonNews) & Dr. Cesar Nunez (@DrCesarNunez)
- HASHTAGS: #SaludTues #ChildhoodCancerAwareness
We will open the floor to your comments, tips, and stories as we explore:
- The important of family support
- Cultural factors that influence patient decisions
- Cultural competence in pediatric oncology
Be sure to use the hashtag #SaludTues to follow the conversation on Twitter and share your strategies, stories, and resources that can help promote minority health!
Click here to learn about the Salud America! #SaludTues tweetchats, see upcoming and past tweetchats, and see how you can get involved.
Explore More:
Healthy Families & SchoolsBy The Numbers
Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years