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In a 2015 report, Opportunity, Responsibility, and Security: A Consensus Plan For Reducing Poverty and Restoring The American Dream, published by AEI & the Brookings Institute, three policies that promote Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) are examined. According to the report, schools have not focused “sufficiently on the socioemotional factors that are crucial to learning.”
The report states that only three states—Illinois, Kansas and Pennsylvania—have adopted comprehensive SEL standards with age-appropriate benchmarks for their entire K–12 system. Three recommendations provided by the authors include:
- Resources for state and local education authorities to implement and scale evidence-based social-emotional learning practices and policies, provided by the federal government;
- States should implement high-quality social-emotional standards that cover the period from preschool through high school;
- The federal government and states should establish centers of excellence that can provide training and technical assistance to school districts in implementing evidence-based approaches to social emotional learning.
To learn more access the full report here.
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