Report: Gap is Closing for Some Disparities Among Latinos


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The gap is closing for some disparities among Latinos, but others are widening, according to the 2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Disparities

The most notable reduction in health disparities is the number of uninsured Hispanics.  In the first half of 2014, “the percentage of adults ages 18-64 without health insurance decreased more quickly among Blacks and Hispanics than Whites.”

The decrease was significant, especially in states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Health Care Act.


Among the disparities widening, is Hispanics access to quality health care.  Latinos “received worse care than Whites for some quality measures.”

The report also found that poor households experienced worsening disparities related to chronic diseases.

The worsening of communication between Latino parents and health care providers is among the most alarming disparities to AHRQ.

The report concludes that although disparities in the number of uninsured Latinos has become lower many disparities still remain, especially in the quality of health care, chronic disease and patient-health care provider communication.

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