Report: Growing a Movement—Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Final Report


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Growing A Movement
(Source: Active Living By Design)

Active Living By Design has released Growing a Movement: Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Final Report.

The report provides an overview of the Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities national initiative which supported 49 partnerships to increase children’s access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity through changes in policies, systems and environments.

Growing a Movement includes common themes, key findings and brief vignettes, along with implications for the field.

Four key findings of the report include:

1 – Partner Collaboration was Critical for Success
2 – Connections to the Larger Movement Enhanced Local Action
3 – Engaging the Community Drove Action and Equity
4 – Policy and Environmental Change was Critical to Building a Culture of Health

For more information access the Growing a Movement: Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Final Report here.

Additionally, Active Living By Design released two more reports with key information on how to invest in healthy community change and how to navigate the process of change.

Learn more by accessing the reports below:

Investing in Healthy Community Change: A Resource for Funders
Lessons for Leaders: Navigating the Process of Healthy Community Change

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