Spanish-Language Ads Get Message Across for ‘Quit Smoking’ Lines


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It pays to advertise in Spanish if you want Spanish speakers to use a telephone helpline to quit smoking, according to a new study, Newswise reports.

A study of usage of the Colorado QuitLine before and during a Spanish-language media campaign found that more Latinos called during and after the campaign and a greater percentage of those who called successfully quit smoking, according to the news report.

Smoking cessation phone services offer counseling or coaching on how to quit smoking and sometimes offer nicotine replacement therapy products. Latinos who called the Colorado QuitLine because of an ad campaign were significantly younger and more likely to be uninsured and less educated. The seven-day abstinence rates for Latinos who dialed in during the campaign was 41 percent, compared with 29.6 percent before the campaign, and the six-month abstinence rates rose from 9.6 percent to 18.8 percent.

The study was published online and in the April supplement of the American Journal of Public Health.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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