Study: Children who are better at identifying logos, more likely to be overweight


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A new study from Michigan State University found a link between the identification of fast-food logos and higher weights in children. Children who could better identify the logos and images of fast-food, soda, and unhealthy snack brands were more likely to be overweight.

They classified the status of weight for the children, ages 3-5, by their Body Mass Indexes (BMIs).

The kids were shown images that included McDonald’s golden arches, the Trix rabbit, and the Burger King crown, as well as being asked to match food items and cartoons to brand names.

Anna McAlister, an assistant professor and study researcher at MSU, said that the results show how it is not just a sedentary lifestyle that is causing obesity in America.

“Of course we want kids to be active, but the results from these studies suggest that physical activity is not the only answer,” explains McAlister, “The consistent relationship between brand knowledge and BMI suggests that limiting advertising exposure might be a step in the right direction too.”

The study did not simply prove to show that food branding is solely to blame for the obesity epidemic, but to emphasize how the relationship children develop with food in their formitive years makes a significant difference.

“What we’re trying to show here is just how young kids are when they develop their theory of food,” said McAlister. “As early as 3 years of age, kids are developing a sense of what food means to them.”

To find out more watch this video and read about the study here.

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