Study: Latinos Less Likely to Think They’ll Get Cancer


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Hispanic, Black, and Asian Americans are less likely than whites to believe they will get cancer, even though they are actually more likely to develop cancer and die from it, according to a new study in the American Journal of Health Promotion, HealthDay reports.

Study researchers surveyed people about their perceptions of their cancer risk.

They also found Hispanics were less likely than whites and blacks to believe they could take steps to reduce their risk of cancer.

“There is a need for consistent cancer prevention messages and screening recommendations, as well as opportunities to increase education on cancer prevention among all populations,” study senior author B. Lee Green of the Moffitt Cancer Center, said in a center news release, HealthDay reported. “These efforts will make individuals feel more empowered to participate in cancer-preventive behaviors.”

If Latinos need motivation to get screened, check out these videos in English or Spanish:

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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