Study: Postpartum Depression May Appear Months After Giving Birth


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Screening women for symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) right after giving birth may not be an effective method in detecting those at high risk of developing PPD, Fox Health reports.SaludTues Promo Pic

Latinas who suffer from PPD often do it in silence and ignore the feelings of depression as a “temporary case of  nervios (nerves),” according to Baby Center

In a study published in the Annals of Family Medicine, researchers found that for many women the first signs of depression appeared months later after giving birth.

Researchers studied 1,432 women in 16 U.S. states for a period of up to a year after giving birth and found that most women were at higher risk of developing PPD after six months.

The center of disease control and prevention reports that PPD affects up to 15 percent of mothers, especially in the first year after giving birth.

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of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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