Study Shows ACA Has Reduced Latino Health Disparities


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According to a report from the University of Maryland School of Public Health, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has significantly improved insurance coverage and healthcare for Latinos. The new report analyzed data from the 2011-2014 National Health Interview Survey. The data suggested that the ACA is significantly reducing racial and ethnic health disparities.

“Since the ACA took effect in 2014, the rates of uninsured Latinos were reduced by 7% as compared to 3% for whites,” said Dr. Jie Chen assistant professor in the Department of Health Services Administration at Maryland. “We also found that these groups were more likely to visit a primary care doctor and receive timely healthcare than before the ACA coverage began.”

Dr. Chen believed that the relatively smaller decline in uninsured rates among Latinos due to the assumption that many recent Latino immigrants live in states that are not currently participating in the Medicaid expansion. Also, there is not as of yet sufficient outreach to the Latino community regarding ACA eligibility.

“While Latinos made smaller gains than African Americans in rates of insured, those who were eligible for health coverage were significantly less likely to delay or forgo healthcare, which is an important factor in improving health outcomes,” said Dr. Chen.

The study found that the ACA has the potential to continue the trend of reducing disparities in access to healthcare and healthcare utilization.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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