Success Stories
Get inspired by our Salud Hero stories and videos, which show real champions of change who drive policies and environments for health in our families, schools, and communities!
Rosa Herrera: Get the Vaccine for Your Family!
Rosa Herrera knows how difficult the battle with COVID-19 can be. Two of her daughters were really sick with COVID-19 in October 2020 and were hospitalized during their infections. Herrera herself got sick, too, but had a mild case. “It was really scary. I couldn’t see them and since both of them were hospitalized at ...
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Discover Salud Heroes

Jennifer Morris Brings Hispanic Heritage Month to her English Language Learners
You probably haven’t heard of Jennifer Morris. She’s an English Language Learner teacher at Mary McLeod Bethune Elementa…
Embracing Immigrants
Denise Hernández: Finding Herself by Unlearning Implicit Bias and Embracing Her Chicana Heritage
Denise Hernández is a proud Chicana and a 5th generation San Antonian. She is the founder of Maestranza, an organization…
Overcoming Harmful Biases
Ángela García: Helping Her Community Through Art and a Free Fridge
Ángela García wasn’t planning on becoming an artist. She entered college in the pre-med track, intending to go into a me…
Healthy Food, Understanding & Reducing Poverty
Jordana Barton: Helping Close the Digital Divide Amid COVID-19
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is surging across the U.S., and the American death toll has eclipsed 130,000. Worse,…
Need Help? Erine Gray’s Can Connect You to Local Social Services amid Coronavirus
When he was 16, Erine Gray’s mother caught the rare brain disease encephalitis, causing permanent damage and memory loss…
Healthcare Access
Jason Rosenfeld: Using Healthcare Messaging to Inform His Community about Coronavirus
Communication is a critical aspect of the human experience, and, for Dr. Jason Rosenfeld, it is the key to making any so…
Overcoming Harmful Biases
Eric Cooper: How San Antonio Food Bank Feeds People Amid Coronavirus
Eric Cooper knows what it’s like to depend on public assistance programs. He grew up in a low-income family, relying on…
Healthy Food
Neighbors Create Mutual Aid Network to Help Neighbors with Groceries, Care
How is your neighbor doing during the coronavirus pandemic? In the Boston area, Anna Kaplan, Jessie Norriss, Sophia Grog…
Embracing Immigrants, Understanding & Reducing Poverty
Latina Starts Community to Make Face Masks Para Todos (For All) amid COVID-19
You might call Maria Pia Sanchez la reina de las mascarillas (the queen of face masks). Sanchez, a native of Chile who l…
Embracing Immigrants, Healthcare Access
How Advocates Campaigned for 1st Protected Bike Lane Law
Nathanael Fillmore felt his life was in danger every time he rode his bike on unsafe streets to his job as a computer sc…
Transportation & Mobility