Sugary Beverage Taxes Gain Popularity


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Can you pop open the idea of drinking healthier?

States across the nation are showing trends on taxing sodas shows a recent news article.

Vermont started taxing sugary drinks in July, hoping to help the state close a million dollar gap between revenue and spending. Also other states and cities have jumped on the soda tax bus including Illinois in 2015 and Berkeley, California. Hospitals in San Francisco have taken out sugary juice drinks for kids, and just a month ago San Antonio started a campaign against sugary beverages.

Studies show Latino kids drink more sugary beverages, so helping them think about drinking more water and consuming less sugary beverages may be a start in the right direction.  

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that 30.9% of Latinos drink more than one sugary beverage a day, according to a study that tallied over six states consumption of sugary drinks.

Want to know which states currently support sugary beverage taxes? Click here to find out.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



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