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One person is injured every 2 minutes and one killed every 2.5 hours on Texas roads.
Texas (39.4% Latino) is the eighth-most dangerous state for people walking. Latinos and people of color, people in low-income neighborhoods, and older adults are in the most danger when walking.
Unfortunately, it can take decades to create safer roads if there is no political will.
That’s why Vision Zero Texas is asking Texans to sign a petition for safer neighborhood streets and send a letter to leaders of the Texas transportation system requesting a zero-fatality goal.
Click here to sign a petition asking state leaders to allow cities to lower speed limits.
Click here to send a letter asking transportation leaders to prioritize road safety to end traffic deaths. Vision Zero Texas will identify your state leaders, and you can use the template below to guide you in writing your letter.
Letter Writing
You can follow these four steps when writing your letter.
- State the purpose of your letter.
- Describe who you are. Include some personal information, like age, race/ethnicity, family status, education, income, employment, ZIP code, personal interests, etc.
- Summarize how you, your family or community are affected by unsafe streets, traffic injuries, and traffic deaths. Include facts as well as your personal experiences and observations. Tell a story.
- State your request to adopt a goal of cutting traffic deaths in half by 2035 and ending traffic deaths and serious injuries across the state by 2050.
Legislative Agenda
You can also follow Vision Zero Texas’ legislative agenda for 2019 and build statewide support for five safety initiatives:
- Allow cities to lower speed limits on residential streets;
- Adopt a statewide Vision Zero strategy
- Replace “yield to” with “stop for” pedestrians in the Texas transportation code;
- Upgrade the texting ban to outlaw cell phone use while driving; and
- Replace “accident” with “crash” in the Texas transportation code.
Sign the Petition!
Send a Letter!
Vision Zero Texas is also asking Texans to attend a panel discussion with Austin Mayor Steve Adler and San Antonio City Council Member Shirley Gonzales at 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, 2019, in Austin.
4/23/19 UPDATE: The April 24 events have been canceled and will be tentatively rescheduled for May 22.
6/18/19 UPDATE: Texas adopted a goal to end traffic deaths by 2050!
Explore More:
Transportation & MobilityBy The Numbers
of Latinos rely on public transit (compared to 14% of whites).