Video: Swimming Makes Kids Smarter


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Swimming is known as one of the best cardiovascular activities because it engages all major muscle groups and is not associated with high rates of musculoskeletal injuries, like running and contact sports.

According to a study about early childhood swimming, young children who swim reach key milestones earlier than their peers.

The lead researcher said, “The study shows young children who participate in early-years swimming achieve a wide range of skills earlier than the normal population.”  These include fine- and visual- motor skills, such as cutting, coloring and building with blocks, as well as social, emotional and intellectual skills, such as story recall and following directions.  Motor skills support physical literacy and participation in various lifelong physical activities.  Social, emotional and intellectual skills support the transition into kindergarten.

These results were found across all socioeconomic groups, which could have a big impact on Latino health and education.

To learn more about this study, click here.

Watch video here.

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