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Have some free time? Want to hear about ways minority communities are working with local officials to create lasting, healthy policy changes?
Check out the webinar, “Multicultural Community Engagement: Putting Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies to Work in Diverse Communities” hosted by Leadership for Healthy Communities.
Presenters shared examples of successful policy initiatives to engage and empower diverse communities and discuss the implications of these efforts in the fight against childhood obesity.
Presenters included:
- Ruben Brambila, M.P.H., project manager, Healthy RC Kids, City of Rancho Cucamonga, California
- Dr. Jasmine Opusunju, program coordinator, CAN DO Houston
- Pedro Arista, STRIVE/REACH program manager, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
Leadership for Healthy Communites (LHC) is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to support local and state government leaders nationwide in their efforts to reduce childhood obesity through public policies that promote active living, healthy eating, and access to healthy foods.
Watch and listen to the whole webinar here!
Check out just the slides here!
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