La historia asombrosa de Helen Córdova, la primera persona en California en recibir la vacuna COVID-19

Helen Córdova sabe lo peligroso que es el COVID-19. Ella ha estado trabajando en la primera línea como enfermera de la UCI durante toda la pandemia. “COVID causó definitivamente un gran impacto en la comunidad de atención médica. Había tanta incertidumbre y cosas que no sabíamos sobre el virus”, dijo Córdova. Cuando la vacuna fue autorizada por primera vez por la FDA para uso de emergencia en diciembre de 2020, Córdova fue elegida para ser una de las primeras personas en recibir la vacuna. Pero estaba muy nerviosa y al comienzo no quería vacunarse. “Inicialmente, estaba segura de que no iba a recibir la vacuna. Pensé: 'Fue apresurado, no le tengo confianza'”, dijo Córdova. Pero después de consultar con sus colegas y leer la investigación de los ...

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We Can Do This: The COVID-19 Public Education Campaign in English, Spanish

We Can Do This campaign covid-19 prevention vaccine

You've probably seen or heard this phrase a lot recently: "We can do this." That's the slogan for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' "We Can Do This" / "Juntos Sí Podemos" COVID-19 Public Education Campaign. This national initiative aims to increase public confidence in uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and other basic prevention measures, such as mask wearing and social distancing. The "We Can Do This" campaign materials are in English, Spanish, and more. The campaign also has a "live" event series that pairs medical experts with prominent influencers to share information to help people feel confident about getting the vaccine. The events occur in the places where people already consume content, including social media, podcasts, and YouTube. The effort is ...

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The Amazing Story of Helen Cordova, the First Person in California to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine

Helen Cordova knows how dangerous COVID-19 is. She’s been working on the frontline as an ICU nurse throughout the entire pandemic. “COVID was definitely a big shock for the healthcare community. There was just so much uncertainty and things we didn't know about it,” Cordova said. When the vaccine was first authorized for emergency use by the FDA in December 2020, Cordova was chosen to be one of the first recipients of the vaccine. But she was very nervous and didn’t originally want to get it. “Initially, I was absolutely not going to get the vaccine. I thought, ‘It was rushed, I won't trust it,’” Cordova said. But after consulting with her colleagues and reading the research from the clinical trials, Cordova knew it was safe and the right ...

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What Latino Parents Should Know: COVID-19 Vaccine Available to 12 to 15-Year-Olds

Good news! Children ages 12 to 15 can now get a COVID-19 vaccine! On May 10, 2021, the FDA authorized the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use for children ages 12 to 15. It had previously been approved for those ages 16 and older. This next step in reaching herd immunity is crucial. Not only does it expand the pool of eligible vaccine recipients to 87% of the U.S. population, but it also allows teens who have missed out on school, sports, prom, and other aspects of life to return to normal. Do you have questions about the Pfizer vaccine and want to know more before your children get vaccinated? Here’s what Latino parents should know. UPDATE: Information about how teenagers can get the vaccine without needing parental consent in some states. About the ...

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Rosa Herrera: ¡Vacúnese por su Familia!

Rosa Herrera sabe lo difícil que puede ser luchar contra el COVID-19. En octubre del 2020, dos de sus hijas estuvieron muy enfermas con COVID-19 y tuvieron que ser hospitalizas. Herrera, también se enfermó, pero tuvo un caso leve. “Fue realmente aterrador. No podía verlas y como las dos estaban hospitalizadas al mismo tiempo, me estaba volviendo loca", dijo Herrera. Inicialmente, Herrera tenía miedo de recibir una vacuna. Le preocupaba que la hubieran hecho muy rápido, y porque no sabía lo que había en los ingredientes, que pudiera tener microchips o algo que le hiciera daño a su familia de nuevo─cosas que había leído en Facebook. Pero después de saber que la vacuna es segura, Herrera finalmente decidió vacunarse. Ella se alegra de haberlo ...

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Rosa Herrera: Get the Vaccine for Your Family!

Rosa Herrera knows how difficult the battle with COVID-19 can be. Two of her daughters were really sick with COVID-19 in October 2020 and were hospitalized during their infections. Herrera herself got sick, too, but had a mild case. “It was really scary. I couldn't see them and since both of them were hospitalized at the same time, I was going crazy,” Herrera said. Herrera was initially afraid to get a vaccine. She was worried that it was produced too quickly, and that because she didn’t know what was in the ingredients, that it could’ve been microchips or something that would harm her family again─things she’d read on Facebook. But, after learning that the vaccine is safe, she ultimately decided to get a vaccine. She’s glad she did. “I'm able to see my ...

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Jesus Larralde: Get the Vaccine So We Can Return to Normal!

Jesus Larralde is ready for the pandemic to be over. He wants to be able to spend time with his sisters and his dad, who is undergoing cancer treatment and has a weakened immune system. He’s watched many friends, coworkers, and family members get COVID-19, and has seen the long-lasting effects it can have. But Larralde was nervous to get the vaccine at first. He didn’t want it to make him sick and was nervous about the potential side effects. Larralde decided to get the vaccine when his wife Lenea was offered the Pfizer vaccine through working at UT Health San Antonio. He’s glad he did because he can spend more time with his family.And he’s doing his part to stop the spread of COVID-19. “We need to learn, and we need to understand that we need to stop spreading ...

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Jesús Larralde: ¡Vacúnense para que podamos volver a la normalidad!

Jesús Larralde está listo para que se acabe la pandemia. Quiere poder pasar tiempo con sus hermanas y su papá, que está recibiendo tratamiento contra el cáncer y tiene un sistema inmunológico debilitado. Él ha visto a muchos amigos, compañeros de trabajo y familiares contraer el COVID-19 y ha visto los efectos secundarios duraderos que puede tener. Pero Larralde al principio estaba nervioso de recibir la vacuna. No quería enfermarse y estaba nervioso de los efectos secundarios posibles. Larralde decidió vacunarse cuando a su esposa Lenea le ofrecieron la vacuna de Pfizer a través de su trabajo en UT Health San Antonio. Ahora, él está contento de haberlo hecho porque puede pasar más tiempo con su familia y está haciendo su parte para detener la transmisión ...

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Why Did These Vaccine-Hesitant People Decide to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Why Did These Vaccine-Hesitant People Decide to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

People decide to get a COVID-19 vaccine for a variety of reasons – to protect their families, to protect their health, and to help society return to normal. Some people are skeptical or hesitant to get the vaccine. Vaccine skepticism among Latinos is caused by a variety of sources, such as historical trauma from healthcare mistreatment and misinformation about vaccines that is circulated on social media. But many people are having a change of heart and deciding to get a vaccine. As a part of their ongoing research on attitudes about COVID-19, the de Beaumont Foundation, along with pollster Frank Luntz, conducted focus groups to hear from people who had changed their minds about getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Let’s hear why some of these people wanted a vaccine after ...

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