Health Experts: Coronavirus Risk Increased by Smoking, Vaping

Health experts say smoking and vaping weakens the function of the lungs and could leave people more susceptible to coronavirus (COVID-19), which has sickened many and continues to spread around the world. Coronavirus is now a pandemic, according to the World Health Organization. Serious consequences of COVID-19 feature pneumonia and affects the lung function, and is especially worrysome for those with weak lung or immune systems, reports Guardian Australia. Basically, this means now is a good time to quit smoking. "For most respiratory infections, you worry about people who smoke a bit more," said UK Professor Christopher Whitty, The Tab reports. "They’re more likely to get [coronavirus] and their immune system is less good." Are Smokers More Susceptible to Coronavirus ...

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National Flavored E-Cigarette Pod Ban: Will it be Effective?

Flavored E-Cigarette Pod Ban Went to Effect on February 6th: Will it be Effective?

Mounting health concerns over teen vaping recently led the U.S. Congress to raise the purchasing age for all tobacco products—including e-cigarettes—from 18 to 21. Now a national ban on many flavored e-cigarette products went into effect on Feb. 6, 2020. The ban covers a number of what some health experts call "kid-friendly flavorings," such as mint and fruit. Still, other flavors, such as menthol and tobacco flavorings, remain legal. The prohibited products won't be allowed to return to the market until or unless they get clearance from the Food and Drug Administration. That agency review could take months or years. By May 2020, U.S. e-cigarette companies will have to receive approval from the FDA to determine whether they're allowed to stay on the market. A big ...

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Social Smoking Damages Your Lungs Almost as Much as Heavy Smoking

teen smoking cigarettes

A new study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine suggests that there is no safe level of tobacco smoke exposure and that smoking cessation is the most effective means of harm reduction. Researchers from Columbia University examined the lung function of 25,000 people, including smokers, ex-smokers, and those who have never smoked. The study found that people who smoke five cigarettes a day are doing almost as much damage to their lungs as people who smoke more than 30 cigarettes a day. "Light" or "social" smokers will develop as much lung damage in one year as "heavy" smoking does in nine months. The study also noted that each lit cigarette releases 7,000 chemicals, 69 of which are considered to be cancer-causing substances. "Smoking a few cigarettes a day is much ...

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Tell FDA: Require Health Warnings on Cigarette Packages

FDA Proposes New Required Health Warnings For Cigarette Packages

Many smokers will use tobacco products for years in spite of the known detrimental health impacts. On Aug. 16, 2019, FDA announced a rule proposal that aims to make a visual representation of those impacts to those buying cigarettes — health warning labels on every package. These labels will use graphic images to convey relevant information about the negative health consequences of smoking. "With these new proposed cigarette health warnings, we have an enormous public health opportunity to fulfill our statutory mandate and increase the public’s understanding of the full scope of serious negative health consequences of cigarette smoking," Dr. Ned Sharpless, Acting FDA Commissioner, said in a statement. Initially, hundreds of people, including over 275 Salud America! network ...

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Are Vapes and E-Cigs Causing Seizures in Kids, Young Adults?

E-cigarette in woman's hand close up

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will investigate 127 reports of people suffering seizures and other neurological symptoms after using e-cigarettes. CDC reported 26 deaths on vaping-related lung illness and on Oct. 11, 2019, a17-year-old boy from the Bronx died of vaping-related illness, becoming the first teen fatality. Later, CDC produced a report suggesting that the outbreak of lung injury is associated with the use of e-cigarette, or vaping, products. As of Nov. 27, 2019, the CDC announced 47 deaths and 2,290 illnesses and the American Medical Association called for an immediate ban on all electronic cigarettes and vaping devices. The FDA said these reported cases occurred between 2010 and 2019, and, in addition to seizures, some people reported fainting or ...

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E-Cigarettes: Nicotine’s Newest Red Herring

Vape chemical risk

For years, tobacco companies gained profits through lies and deception — now, e-cigarette producers are following in their predecessors’ footsteps, health experts say. Since its inception, vape manufacturers like Juul promoted their products as a “safer” alternative to smoking cigarettes, and even as a way to gradually quit smoking altogether. However, there is no substantial evidence backing these claims. Studies are actually beginning to show the exact opposite. The overall lack of knowledge concerning e-cigs is a notable risk to users, according to the FDA’s former Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, and current Principal Deputy Commissioner, Amy Abernethy. “While we believe that currently addicted adult smokers who completely switch off of combustible tobacco and ...

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¡Convierte tu teléfono en un coach personal para dejar de fumar en español!

quitxt selfie group shot smoking tobacco

Sabemos que dejar de fumar no es fácil. ¡Tú puedes hacerlo con Quitxt! Quitxt es un servicio nuevo en español y en inglés que envía mensajes de texto con apoyo cultural y regionalmente adaptado para ayudar a los Sureños de Texas a dejar de fumar. El servicio convierte tu teléfono en un coach personal para dejar de fumar enviándote textos y enlaces en línea a contenido educativo, apoyo, música y videos. Esto te ayuda a estar motivado, fijar una fecha para dejar el cigarrillo, manejar el estrés y más – lo que ha sido comprobado que duplica tus chances de dejar de fumar. Para unirte a Quitxt en español, envía “lodejo” al 844-332-2058 o visita Para unirte a Quitxt en inglés, envía “iquit” al 844-332-2058 o visita ...

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Latino Health Disparities: Improving, But More Needs to be Done

The latest annual report on the nation’s health by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows Latinos are living longer than whites and blacks and health disparities are narrowing. Despite the latest improvements in health disparities, Latinos still have the highest incidence of high blood pressure and childhood obesity, The American Heart Association News (AHA) reports. “High blood pressure remains much more common among black Americans, and Hispanic children and teens are still more likely to be obese than their black, white and Asian counterparts.,” AHA said in a written statement. The CDC’s annual health report is a “snapshot” of the nation’s health “highlighting recent successes and challenges in fighting critical health problems in the United ...

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Study: Ads May Be Tempting Teens to Vape

Teens who have been exposed to electronic cigarette ads in the last 30 days are more likely to start vaping, according to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Engadget reports. "The unrestricted marketing of e-cigarettes and dramatic increases in their use by youth could reverse decades of progress in preventing tobacco use among youth," Brian King, deputy director at the CDC's smoking division, said in a statement. The data comes from the CDC's 2014 National Tobacco Survey that looked into the habits of more than 20,000 middle and high school students from across the country and found that the number of E-cigs users is increasing among teenagers. Along with their findings the CDC recommends “limiting e-cig sales to stores that only admit adults, ...

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