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Not all kids start kindergarten equally prepared to succeed.
By a child’s third birthday, 85% of their brain is fully developed.
Children of migrant workers and Latino children growing up exposed to adverse childhood experiences, such as domestic violence, substance use disorder, neglect, and poverty, as well as limited access to healthy food and safe places to play, are at increased risk for developing physical, mental, behavioral, psychosocial, and/or cognitive issues.
High-quality early childhood programs can help level the playing field for Latino children on vocabulary and on social and emotional development.
With federal funding, the East Coast Migrant Health Start Project serves 3,145 children annually through 26 Head Start centers in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Early Head Start, specifically, serves pregnant women, infants, and toddlers until children turn three.
Additionally, East Cost Migrant Head Start Project partners with local community-based organizations to ensure each child has a medical home.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to convince undocumented parents to participate in a government program, no matter how beneficial.
Spread the word about the importance of programs like these in early childhood development.
By The Numbers
of Latino parents support public funding for afterschool programs