Are Trans Fats A Health Threat For Latinos?


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Announcing back in June, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that over the next three years, food companies needed to get rid of the overuse of trans fats in their products, emphasizing the threat on health and obesity.

However, companies like the Grocery Manufactures Association are trying to petition trans fats in some products like cereal and pie crusts. The good news is that many of these food companies have already lowered trans fat in their foods by more than 86 percent. Bad news is that even small traces of these fats are unhealthy, only used for progressing shelf life and in the long run causing high cholesterol and possible heart disease. In fact, trans fats are worse than any other fats for your heart and some studies even say that these fats can alter your memory. The Mayo Clinic encourages people to learn about what foods contain trans fats, and to lower these types of foods in their diet.

Latinos already face many dietary set backs with diets high in unhealthy fats and starches and low in fruit and vegetable consumption. Limiting trans fats in products like tortillas and even in items families would think are healthy, like instant oatmeal, may help off set the high obesity rates in many Latino American households.

Food companies looking to phase out trans fats have until June 2018 to complete most changes.

To read more about trans fat and this story, click here.

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