How Stress Can Hurt Healthy Eating Efforts


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Can stress negate the benefits of a healthy diet?

Our lifestyle can influence our health and the power of stress can hurt change our bodies in a myriad of ways. According to recent research, stress can ultra metabolism, making the body become inflamed no matter if you are eating healthy foods or unhealthy foods.

Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, researcher, and director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at the Ohio State University told NPR  the more healthful meal was no better in terms of its impact on inflammation.

The stress that was causing the inflammation in the bodies of the women studied was not life-threatening, but more about feeling in control.

Inflammation in the body over long periods of time are linked to higher risks of cardiovascular disease, some cancers and even type 2 diabetes, explained Kiecolt-Glaser.

However, good habits like diet and exercise together can help reduce stress and help decrease inflammation in the body. Hanging out with friends is also a healthy way to relieve stress as well as doing good things for others.

Eating a healthy diet is still vital for a healthy body, putting it together with some type of stress-free activity like yoga, meditation or volunteering were also ways that were recommended to reduce stress from researchers.

To learn more about this research,  click here.

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One Response to “How to Improve Healthcare Worker Burnout”

  1. Melissa Lazo

    I know this is a two year old article, but Bias is another reason why some Hispanic people think about or attempt suicide. I’m actually part Filipino, German and English and I ended up looking stereotypically Hispanic and my surname is Spanish due to my Filipino side since the Spanish colonized the Philippines. I’m a woman though and I’ve thought about it for a number of reasons involving my health from a rare disorder that caused learning issues and also I have obvious cancer symptoms Ive tried getting help with. I’ve also been treated poorly and sometimes in very scary situations because of obvious Bias and Prejudice due to my appearance. I’m just saying Bias against people who are Hispanic and “look Hispanic” is a real thing. I apologize if it was in this article but I didn’t notice it, But I do apologize if its in there. I just think it needs to be addressed more. Thank You