#MoreAtMyStore Encourages Healthy Food Options


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Reports show that Latino children in Texas are overweight (46.8%) compared to white (22.9%) and black children (26.3%). Texas is also considered the 5th most obese in state in the U.S. for children.

Having access to fresh, healthy foods is a vital component to combat obesity for Latino children in Texas. Studies show that Latino families without access to healthier options, may have higher diet-related diseases and deaths.

A recent campaign by the American Heart Association supports this idea, with their hashtag, #MoreAtMyStore encouraging stores throughout Austin Texas to provide increased healthy options for consumers. The campaign encourages social media users to use the hashtag #MoreAtMyStore to voice their concerns or text Austin to 52886, allowing consumers to be a part of healthy change for the Austin community.

Using social media campaigns to encourage better foods in neighborhoods is just one way to help bring awareness for healthy changes within your community.

Look here to find out how Salud Heroes across the nation are helping healthy changes take place in your neighborhood.

To get learn more, listen below to Ms. Texas as she talks about the campaign and why Latinos should get involved.



By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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