New Study: Arrows Mark the Way to Healthier Foods & Higher Consumption


Mother and daughter shopping for produce
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A new study shows how arrows directing grocery store shoppers may help them choose healthier foods.

According to a study from the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, the use of six feet by three feet green arrows with text inside stating, “please follow this green arrow for a healthy heart, or a healthy weight” directed consumers to the fresh produce aisle and helped them choose more produce.

These green arrows were part of a study on nutrition interventions using non-traditional marketing on the floor of a grocery store to influence consumers to choose healthier fruits and vegetables when purchasing foods, but not increase their overall budget for foods.

“Considering that half of shoppers budgets are less flexible for unmet needs at the grocery store, we knew that we could possibly nudge them towards the produce section, and in fact, that’s what occurred over three stores,” said Collin Payne, PhD and main author of the study from New Mexico State University.

The study looked at three stores overall, with one control grocery store of the same chain and similar population, income bracket. The study revealed that the total spending per customer did not change, however, the amount of produce bought increased.

Initiatives like this that encourage shoppers to not spend more at the store, but to choose their food products wisely when it comes to health, may help to increase shoppers consumption of more fruits and vegetables.


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for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood

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