North Carolina’s Healthy Corner Store Initiative


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According to a recent article, a new bill for healthier corner stores, will allow a million dollars to be used by local health departments to incorporate training, education and resources for local corner stores to connect with farmers markets and provide easily accessible fresh foods to the public.

Although the bill’s budget has not been approved or applied in totality, local corner stores are already taking initiatives to provide local fresh foods and efforts are being done to show healthy produce to shoppers. For instance, a local store put fresh produce like apples and potatoes, next to lottery tickets and beer. State representative Chris Whitmire, noted in the article, that recommendations of the study committee are now being implemented without legislation because many ideas cost little to incorporate.

The push for healthier foods is not just in the minds of the representatives, but the state as a whole. Poll reports from 2014, also show voters are interested in this initiative and are already taking action by buying the healthier foods in the local corner stores.

According to Learn NC, North Carolina has had significant growth of the Latino population in recent years, increasing 394% from 1990 to 2000. Having access to healthier foods in the over all state may also help the growing Latino population of North Carolina to have access to healthier food options as well.

To read more about how southern states are pushing forward in legislation for healthier food access, click here.


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