Robla School District Gets Hydration Stations & Healthy Walking Program!


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After United Way’s Young Leaders Society, the Robla School District and the Health Education Council helped raise over $25,000 dollars to provide hydration stations at each school in the Robla School District (54% Latino), the district went a step further for health, literally.


In the fall of 2015, after the Health Education Council met with students in their classrooms educating them on sugary beverages, the council also met with a small parent group at Taylor Street Elementary School to teach them about how to “Rethink Your Drink”, educating parents on how much sugar is in the average soda, juices, and teas. Parents learned so much from the workshop that they wanted to know what else they could learn about.

This conversation led to weekly nutrition workshops provided by the Health Education Council with parents and eventually turned into a free weekly “Walk with Friends” program launched at the Robla Community Park, helping residents walk towards health and away from chronic diseases.

Now with over 70 residents who meet up to walk together, the program coordinated by the Health education Council educates and gives resources to parents and community members.  Talks about nutrition education and health screenings take place at the walks and even free produce is distributed! In fact, over 11,474 pounds of produce has been distributed to Walk with Friends participants since the program began.

Walking daily or at least three times a week for around thirty minutes can help increase heart health and reduce heart disease and other chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes. Also, enjoying healthy foods like fruits and vegetables can also help to create a heart-healthy diet to help prevent chronic diseases.

When schools connect with parents and health, a community built around health can blossom. Creating a culture around health in and around schools like the Walk with Friends program can help Latino communities enjoy the benefits of a healthy diet and access to healthy foods.

To learn more about this program click here, or join the program that happens every Thursday at 8:30 am at the Robla Community Park.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have had a sugary drink by age 2 (vs. 45% of white kids)

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