Soccer mom creates healthy snack movement in Ohio


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Mom and registered dietician in Columbus, Ohio, Sally Kuzemchak, calls herself a “soccer mom on a mission” after she found out that her kids were eating junk food and sugary beverages at all their sports and after school events.

Sally saw the need to have her two kids fuel up on more than the usual sports drinks, juice boxed drinks and chips that are offered to kids. She wanted to create a grassroots effort to stop unhealthy snacking patterns for the sake of her and other kid’s health.

So Sally created a healthier snack movement, by asking other moms to take a stand towards healthier snacking at local school, church, and sports team events by becoming, “Snacktivists”.

Snacktivists moms are empowered to tell their kids coaches, and camp directors about their concerns with snacks offered at church, school, afterschool camps and sports events.

Snactivists volunteer to bring fruit, veggie trays or other healthy food options to events, talk to teachers and principles about snacks served in the classroom, ask coaches to institute healthier snack policies, and mobilize other parents to become snacktivists too.

Sally explained on her blog, that she never wanted to be the mom that was “bossy” when it comes to food, but started to help bring healthier snacks to her kid’s soccer games back in 2011. Sally offers resources on how to email other parents and coaches about healthier snacks, a sample letter to camp directors on the importance of healthy eating and she also offers mom’s 20 fruit and veggie team snack ideas.

Studies show that school policies that reduce junk food and sugary beverages can help Latino kids have healthier weights.

To learn more about the importance of healthier school foods, click here.

Click here to learn more about Sally and how to become a Snacktivist, or follow her on Twitter @RMNutrition.

I’m a Snacktivist! badge from Real Mom Nutrition

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