Toolkit for Healthy School Policies


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Transformative Schools Network (TSN) is a group of grassroots organizations and networks working to bring winning policies and resources for local school districts to foster healthy, equitable, safe schools.

Centering on 6 policy focuses, TSN hopes to create solutions to help people achieve healthy schools in their community.

The 6 policy focuses are:

  1. Healthy & Safe Food and Water
  2. Equitable funding and governance
  3. Health services
  4. Safety/Safe Space
  5. Physical activity
  6. Equitable Facilities and school infrastructure

Check out their Policy toolkit to help movers and shakers take action step by step.

To learn more about TSN and how it can help you change local schools for the better, click here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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