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Morning physical activity boosts health and academic success!
A walking school bus program increases pedestrian safety, reduces neighborhood crime, increases school attendance, and reduces hydrocarbon emissions from traffic.
Sadly, Latinos often lack access to safe routes to schools, parks, or other destinations, thus are disproportionately burdened by health disparities and pedestrian fatalities.
You can make a difference by starting a walking school bus.
The Safe Routes to School National Partnership and California Department of Health created this step-by-step guide outlining how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school.
The toolkit includes proven tools, tips and resources for a fast and easy start.
Here is your toolkit – Step-by-Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School.
Spread the word and explore our site for other helpful resources and stories to help you make a healthy change in your community!
By The Numbers
Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years