Many Latino’s Live in Areas Limited in Healthy Food Access


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A recent article reported research from a national survey, showing that more than 10 percent of Latinos reported difficulty in accessing affordable fresh fruits and vegetables.

The report also indicated that Latino families that live further from larger grocery stores also may be at risk for poor health. Many small supermarkets or corner stores are starting to carry more fresh fruit options, however, the price of fruits and vegetables at smaller stores are many times still higher in cost than at a larger grocer.

Studies show that Latinos may be more likely to buy healthier foods if small convenient stores offered healthier foods at affordable prices. For instance, one New York program added and promoted healthy food items at local bodegas and it led to more fruit (32% increase in sales) and vegetable sales (26% increase in sales).

More is still to be done to provide access to healthier foods, as this may also impact healthier weights for Latino children, who are more likely to be at risk for diabetes and obesity than their white peers.

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