8 Simple Ways to Cut Sodium From Kids’ Diets


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Sodium is found in many processed food products, like cheese and lunch meats. It’s also packed into some foods we don’t expect, like frozen lunches or canned beans.

Many times when packing a lunch for our kids we might not heed daily recommendations for our kid’s sugar and sodium intake, but the American Heart Association has a list of dietary recommendations to follow to help keep sugars and sodium foods to a minimum.

Also, Wral.com has suggested 8 simple ways to keep daily sodium intake low.

  1. Model healthy eating to your kids.
  2. Consider the school lunches menu and see how healthy it can be!
  3. Go online before dining out at night to research nutritious information on popular dishes that can help you stay in check of high sugar, sodium or calorie amounts.
  4. Pack school lunches with your kids and encourage them to find healthy alternatives.
  5. Volunteer with your PTA and support healthy meals and snacks at school!
  6. Look at the labels and compare, sodium can vary in many different food products.
  7. Watch for salty foods, like pizza, cheese, breads, rolls, cold cuts and cured meats- many have nutrition labels that you can compare which has lower sodium amounts.
  8. Offer low-sodium options to help change your kids’ preferences for salty tastes over time.

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for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood

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