Healthy schools campaign cooks up healthy cafeteria changes


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Students across the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), participated in the Healthy Schools Campaign healthy cooking contests. Students were challenged to create a nutritious lunch that includes fresh fruit and vegetables, meets USDA nutrition guidelines, be under 760 calories and costs less than $1.70.

The challenge allows students to win a chance to represent Los Angeles across the state and serve the model meal in an all-expenses paid Cooking up Change competition in the capitol. The winner could go on from there to serve the meal to congress and become a model meal for schools across the country.

Having healthy options and creative ways to get kids involved in creating healthy meals is a innovative way to change school food environments.

Studies show that when students are offered healthier options and schools have stricter food and drink nutrition standards, less calories, sugar and fat and more water is consumed.

To learn more about the cooking challenge, click here.

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for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood

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