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Bullying is a fact of life for many kids, especially those of color.
24.7% of African-American students and 17.2% of Latino students report being bullied at school. Race-related bullying is significantly associated with negative emotional and physical health effects, according to a Salud America! research review.
On the plus side, many resources—including many in Spanish—can help prevent or address bullying.
Website: StopBullying.Gov En Español, an initiative of the US Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Healthy Students, has a Spanish-language website.
Like the English-language version, the site provides teachers, parents and community leaders with the resources they need to prevent bullying. It also contains research and best practices on cyberbullying, prevention and response. In addition, a Spanish-language version of the Bullying Prevention Training Module is available.
These resources will help Latino stakeholders address bullying in their communities. Below are examples of the materials on the site:
- Capacitación. ¡Descubra su rol en la prevención del acoso! Descubra cómo adoptar un enfoque de salud pública para la prevención del acoso y obtenga créditos de educación continua.
- Leyes y políticas estatales. Los legisladores estatales y locales han tomado medidas para prevenir el acoso escolar y proteger a los niños. Descubra cómo su estado se refiere al acoso escolar en sus leyes y políticas
- Lo que pueden hacer las escuelas. El personal de la escuela puede ayudar a prevenir el acoso al establecer y hacer cumplir las normas y políticas que describen claramente cómo se espera que los alumnos se traten mutuamente.
- Lo que pueden hacer los niños. ¿Lo están acosando? ¿Eres testigo de acoso escolar en tu escuela? Hay cosas que usted puede hacer para protegerse y proteger a los niños que conoce del acoso.
Guide: Action Plan Against Bullying (in Spanish)
Are you an educator working with a student being bullied?
Are you a student who wants to take action against bullying?
If you aren’t sure how to get started, try the Action Plan Against Bullying in English or Spanish from PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center.
The action plan guides you through three key steps and generate actions to address a bullying situation that is happening to you or someone else.
PACER also offers these materials in Spanish:
- Notificando a la Escuela Acerca de un Incidente de Bullying Mediante el Uso de una Carta – Formulario (notifying schools about a bullying incident)
- Bullying y Acoso de Estudiantes con Discapacidades – 10 hechos principales que padres, educadores y estudiantes necesitan saber (bullying and harassment of students with disabilities – facts for parents, educators, and students)
- Lista para Saber si eres Blanco de Bullying (checklist: are you a target?)
- Lista para Saber si tú estás haciendo Bullying (checklist: do you bully?)
Technical Package: Youth Violence Prevention (in Spanish)
CDC is promoting its Youth Violence Prevention Technical Package in English and Spanish.
These materials include a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to prevent youth violence and its consequences.
“Youth violence is a significant public health problem that affects thousands of young people each day, and in turn, their families, schools, and communities,” according to the CDC website. “The good news is youth violence is preventable. The ultimate goal is to stop youth violence before it starts.”
Toolkit: Staying Safe and Bully-Free Online (in Spanish)
Net Cetera is a 56-page toolkit in English and Spanish with practical tips to help parents talk with their children about staying safe online.
“Net Cetera is a guide for parents, teachers, and other adults who spend time with kids,” according to the Federal Trade Commission website.
“This guide offers practical tips and ideas for [starting the conversation about] social networking, privacy, mobile devices, computer security, and dealing with cyberbullying.”
Video: Parents Communicating with Bullied Children (in Spanish)
The nonprofit Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors has a bilingual video to show Latino immigrant parents how to help their children who are victims of bullying.
The 5-minute video shows “model interactions between parent and child.” These conversations illustrate how a parent can comfort a bullied child.
Using the familiar dicho, “Better safe than sorry” (mas vale prevenir que lamentar), it also encourages parents to develop a plan that is best for their family. It also shows how to provide for the care and well-being of their child in the event of an emergency.
“We were inundated with calls from concerned parents who were desperate for information on … how to keep their families safe,” said Sandra Gutierrez, founder and national director for Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors.
Advice: Helping Kids Deal With Bullies (in Spanish)
The website aims to connect parents to opportunities to help their child cope with teasing, bullying, or mean gossip, and lessen its lasting impact.
They list six steps parents can follow, in English or Spanish.
“Sin embargo, es importante decirles a los niños que no respondan al hostigamiento con peleas o con más hostigamiento. Eso rápidamente puede pasar a la violencia, pueden generarse problemas y alguien puede salir lastimado. En su lugar, es mejor alejarse de la situación, salir con otras personas y avisarle a un adulto.”
By The Numbers
Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years