Now that as many cities across the nation have voted in favor of reducing sugary beverage consumption with a soda tax policy, other cities are discussing policy options as well, first up, Santa Fe, New Mexico (51.2% Latino). Mayor Javier Gonzales introduced a resolution on November 10th 2016, for the city staff to find "active ways" of reducing the sugar for many of the residents of Santa Fe. Gonzales proposed a 2 cent-per-ounce tax would he hopes would help the city to provide more jobs and bring in over 10 million dollars to help fund Pre-K for all children ages three to four. Many communities are educating consumers about the dangers of sugary beverages, which are linked to diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay, obesity and more, but few have stood up to the millions of dollars ...
Now across the nation soda tax measures are being discussed, or passed, as the most recent news shows four new cities pass a soda tax measure, now including Cook County, Illi. (28.9% Latino).
“Research shows this tax will reduce consumption of sugary beverages and, in turn, lead to a decrease in the chronic diseases that are currently devastating our low-income and minority communities,” said Dr. Karen Larimer, president of the American Heart Association’s Metro Chicago Board of Directors. “The financial, emotional and physical toll of diabetes, heart disease and cancer far exceed the financial impact of this tax on Cook County residents."
Measures that help reduce consumption of sugary beverages could help many Latino kids, who, as studies show, often consume more than their ...
Some grocery stores are working towards helping consumers make the healthy choice the easy choice for consumers. H-E-B, a popular and large grocery chain located throughout Texas has been practicing healthy marketing practices like marking food products with nutritional tags, helping consumers online with the Health and Wellness section of their website and including select ingredients marking for products made with no artificial ingredients. Nutritional tags like on the H-E-B made products help consumers clearly see healthier food options like foods with low sodium, low saturated fat, sugar-free products, and products that may be a fiber source or something that is heart healthy. These markings can help consumers conveniently see products that may be a better option for them in ...
Voters chose health in California and Boulder, where measures were passed on November 8th, 2016 to tax sugary beverages in hopes to decrease high rates of chronic disease and fund more public health programs. Nancy Brown, CEO of the American Heart Association said, "From sports drinks to sodas to fruit-flavored drinks, today’s children are drinking their age in these sugary drinks each week. Reducing consumption will improve rates of diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay." In California, support for soda taxes was reported in all cities. San Francisco had support with 62% of votes, Albany with 71%, and Oakland came out with 61% of support for votes to pass a penny-per-ounce soda tax. While measures in Boulder, Colorado, were also supported with over 54 % of voters leading the ...
November 8th, 2016 is an important day for health advocates and the beverage industry alike as voters line up in four cities to decide on taxing sugary beverages. Sugary beverages have been tested by various researchers and found to be linked to higher risks for heart disease, type two diabetes and more in those who consume these beverages daily and now not only are health organizations like the American Heart Association supporting sugary beverage taxes, but also wealthy health advocates like Michael Bloomberg and Laura and John Arnold. On the other hand, the beverage industries are also fighting back against the taxes, spending over thirty million to lobby and campaign against these tax initiatives. As rising rates of obesity take over the nation, many cities are educating ...
In Orange County, California, diabetes, heart disease and obesity are serious challenges that disproportionately affect the Latino community. Orange County’s Latino population (34% Latino), like many cities throughout the nation, is growing and changing the demographics of the county and consequentially changing the way healthcare is provided.
A new bilingual campaign called, “Shop With Your Doc” gives shoppers the opportunity to ask questions in a non-clinical environment and allows the St. Joseph Hoah Health system to provide care beyond their hospital walls. The events are being launched from mid-October through November at Ralphs and Food 4 Less supermarkets throughout the country with aims to help shoppers get nutritional advice about what to eat, how to read ...
Following eleven men and women with excess weight over a four-day time period, researchers discovered that when we eat matters. The researchers tested the men and women in regards to when they ate, having participants eat between 8am to 8pm in one test over four days, and then again from only 8am to 2pm. Dr. Courtney Peterson and her colleagues who led the study at Pennington Biomedical Research Center discovered that calories burned were not affected, however, decreased hunger swings throughout the day and increased fat burning was a result of participants who ate only from 8am to 2pm. In fact, this time frame of fasting also improved metabolic flexibility. The average American's time frames of eating vary, but most Americans eat anywhere from 8am to 8pm. "These preliminary ...
A new "Lean & Green" movement is helping schools all around the nation incorporate vegetarian meals and more vegetables into school lunches. Creating an event similar to the popular television show top chef, Laredo independent school district (98.9% Latino) is holding its own top chef event through the support of The Humane Society of the United States, Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016. Daniella Monet, an actress best known for her role in Nickelodeon's Victorious as Trina Vega, will help get kids excited about healthier meat-free school meals by kicking off Laredo School District's "Lean & Green Days" Meal Program. Monet is a longtime vegetarian and supports the efforts of Lean & Green and The Humane Society of the United States. The 27-year-old actress, singer, ...
TimeNews recently reported about how water bottles, hydrations stations, morning miles and a new playground are all a part of a bigger movement to get kids healthy in Sullivan County, Tenn where over 72.9% of adults are overweight or obese. A new campaign that works with the schools is taking root and helping to bring clean and easily accessible hydration stations for students to drink more water. called the Live Sugar Freed campaign is a local health and community leader effort to combat the high rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity in the Tri-Cities regions. The campaign is all about water over sugary beverages, 17, 200 bottles 37 water bottle refilling stations. The campaign, called the Live Sugar Freed campaign, is a local health and community leader effort to combat the ...