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The end of the summer is near, and as school lunches must be packed, parents are wondering what to put in their kid’s lunch.
Will what a student eats, make him or her achieve better results in school?
A recent article states that hydration, nutrition and sleep are key areas to help kids succeed in school. In fact, Mary Pat Turon-Findley MS, RD, LD, a clinical dietitian in the Division of Nutrition Therapy at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, encourages parents to start prepping kids with healthy meals, plenty of rest and sleep one week before school starts.
Some Tips for a fresh start to the new school year are as follows:
- Start with a healthy morning meal ( fresh eggs, fruit, whole grains, low-fat dairy products)
- Make sure students have a healthy lunch too (use to find ideas)
- Have variety in meals to avoid kids pickiness
- Make it easy (pack grapes, cut watermelon, or strawberries)
- Check out school lunch menus (see how healthy options can and may be offered in your kids school)
Overall, a healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with school success for Latino families and all families alike. Having an appropriate amount of rest and nutrition is always better for any student, adult or child to achieve their goals. When it comes to kid’s having success in school, think of how nutrition plays a part.
To read more, check out the full article here.
By The Numbers
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