7 Cosas Que Debe Saber Acerca de los Tumores Cerebrales

Doctor comforting patient

¿Sabía que 90,000 personas son diagnosticadas cada año con un tumor cerebral de origen primario? Similarmente, más de 1.3 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos de América viven con un tumor cerebral primario o secundario/metastásico. Para nosotros mismos, nuestra familia, y nuestra comunidad, debemos saber ciertos datos importantes acerca de los tumores cerebrales para que podamos apoyar a la gente afectada por un diagnóstico de un tumor cerebral. Afortunadamente, la Asociación Estadounidense de los Tumores Cerebrales (American Brain Tumor Association o ABTA) tiene recursos extraordinarios para ayudar a la población. ¡Exploremos y aprendamos! 1. Conozca los Tipos de Tumores Cerebrales  Un tumor cerebral es un crecimiento anormal de células que se ha formado ...

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Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez: Empowering Latino Health on CDC Podcast


Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, leader of Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, shares insights on Latino health on a new episode of the CDC's Listen Up! podcast series for health communicators, by health communicators. In her episode, "Not a Monolith: Empowering Latino Health," Ramirez covers Latino culture and health. She also shares the importance of Salud America! Salud Heroes, how to take action to improve the social determinants of health, and how to build trust and wellbeing within Latino communities. Listen to Ramirez's episode. See the full Listen Up! podcast series, hosted by Dr. Betsy Mitchell in CDC’s Office of Communications. "It's family, faith, and language that are key, important cultural issues to keep in mind [when sharing health messages to empower Latinos]," ...

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Daniel Ruben Flores: Following in His Family’s Medical Footsteps

As a doctor’s son, Daniel Ruben Flores grew up in his family’s pediatric clinic.   He and his siblings hammered away at their math and reading homework after school at the clinic, while their parents helped the sick.   Flores often paused to admire the handwritten letters – and drawings of his father with a stethoscope – on the wall from patients thanking the pediatrician for caring for them.  “Wow, all these other kids really appreciate my dad and all the work he’s doing,” Flores recalled fondly. “I feel like that just kind of motivates you ... to go into the field.”   Witnessing his father’s work and the impact he had on his patients helped spark a fire in Flores to pursue medicine and help people, too.  He’s taking big steps now – like ...

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Protect Yourself and Others Against UV Rays This Summer

UV Awareness 2024

The month of July is UV Awareness Month! While enjoying the summer rays, it’s important to protect yourself and loved ones against the UV light that comes from the sun. As the summer heat continues and outdoor activities begin, let’s dive into best practices for UV protection and how they can help prevent sunburns, sun damage, and more! What are UV Rays? CDC defines UV rays as an invisible kind of radiation from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps. UV radiation is divided into 3 main groups: UVA: While they have the least energy of UV rays, UVA radiation makes up 95% of the all the UV rays that make it to the Earth’s surface. They can cause skin cells to age and can cause some indirect damage to cells’ DNA. UVB: UVB radiation makes up only 5% of the UV rays ...

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7 Research Opportunities You May Have Missed this Month

You can help create a healthier future.   Volunteers for registries, research programs, and clinical trials can help researchers learn how to slow, manage, and treat cancer and other diseases.  “With diverse research participation, researchers have more opportunity to create better prevention and treatments that work for all people,” said Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, director of Salud America! at the Institute for Health Promotion Research at UT Health San Antonio.  Here are seven research opportunities based in San Antonio and beyond to explore this month! 1. Latina Health Reproductive Health Screenings University of Texas at San Antonio researchers are seeking Hispanic and Latina women between ages 50 and 65 living in San Antonio to comment about their last Pap ...

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11 Amazing Resources for Caregivers of a Loved One with a Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is a life-changing diagnosis. But not all brain tumors are the same. They are unique, as is their impact on a person’s body, emotions, and quality of life. That is why we need care partners. People navigating a brain tumor diagnosis often rely on a care partner or caregiver – a friend, familia member, or someone else helping with their everyday activities. In fact, a quarter of Americans serve as caregivers to a beloved family member or friend. Let’s dive into how a caregiver for someone with a brain tumor can balance care with their personal and professional obligations, and where to get support and resources. Access this resource in Spanish! 1. Learn More about Brain Tumors Like the patient, caregivers and care partners need to learn more about ...

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Get Help Quitting Smoking for World No Tobacco Day on May 31!

quitxt quit smoking service new grant evluation text texting

On May 31, you can join thousands of people who will begin their smoke-free journey on World No Tobacco Day! This annual event from the World Health Organization to "draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes." Need help quitting smoking? Enroll in Quitxt, a free English or Spanish text-message service that turns your phone into a personal “quit smoking” coach from UT Health San Antonio. To join Quitxt, text “iquit” (for English) or “lodejo” (for Spanish) to 844-332-2058. “On World No Tobacco Day, we’re excited to share Quitxt to provide real-time help with motivation to quit, setting a quit date, handling stress, and much more, all on your phone,” said Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, director of the Salud America! ...

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Watch Webinar: How to Support Latino Cancer Survivors

Latinos with cancer face a challenging survivorship journey. Explore these cancer survivorship challenges at UT Health San Antonio’s webinar, “How to Support Latino Cancer Survivors,” which occurred at 11 a.m. Central on Monday, July 15, 2024. The webinar featured experts from the Mays Cancer Center at UT Health San Antonio, Genentech, as well as cancer survivors and safety-net organizations, who will explore cancer among Latinos and how to help them on the road to recovery. Topics covered patient advocacy, support groups, clinical trials, referrals to resources through screening for social determinants of health, and more. This is a part of a webinar series, “Let’s Address Health Equity Together.” The series is a collaboration of the Salud America! program at ...

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What Does Life Look Like with a Brain Tumor?

Of course, no one wants to hear they have cancer. But if you or someone in your familia has a brain tumor, it is natural to wonder what life will look like. This is what we call “quality of life” (QoL), or an individual’s sense of well-being and ability to enjoy and participate in life. “For those living with a brain tumor, QoL may encompass a wide range of physical, psychosocial, and emotional concerns stemming from loss of functionality and changes in personality,” according to the National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS). From rehabilitation to mental health to return-to-work resources, let’s dive deeper into QoL and what it means for someone with a brain tumor. Access this resource in Spanish! Facing a Brain Tumor Diagnosis A brain tumor or other cancer ...

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