New Playbook: Creating Community Partnerships for Health Equity

A new action-oriented guide is available to foster collaboration between the health sector and the organizations working to improve the conditions of poverty, known as the community development sector. Collaboration among these sectors is critical because more than 80% of the nearly $3.5 trillion spent on medical care each year in the U.S. is spent on treating chronic diseases, most of which are preventable and related to the conditions of poverty. Latinos and low-income populations are disproportionately burdened by the conditions of poverty, thus face higher rates of chronic disease. Conditions of Poverty Health is not created in a doctor’s office, it is created in healthy, equitable, and prosperous communities. However, not all communities were created equal. Some have ...

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Making the Connection between Public Health and Transportation

Transportation affects health. Latinos, for example, often face unsafe streets and big transportation hurdles that make it hard, costly, and even deadly to access basic and health needs. They end up suffering higher rates of disease, diabetes, depression, pedestrian injuries and deaths, and more. Yet transportation and public health professionals don’t always get together for solutions. Fortunately, the Transportation Research Board is enabling these connections. The Board created its Health & Transportation Subcommittee in 2011, hosted a topical conference and magazine edition in 2015, and will carve out space in its 2018 annual meeting to explore this topic. “[We aim] to identify, advance and publish research and information to expand and improve current ...

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How a New Bridge Rebuilt Community Trust and Pedestrian Safety

Cam Juarez didn’t want people to be disappointed, again. Years ago, a city project failed to deliver a promised new pedestrian bridge over a dangerous waterway in the Rose Neighborhood (92% Latino) in Tucson, Ariz. It would have improved walking and bicycling safety and connected people to a park and a nearby elementary school. Rose neighbors were skeptical when Juarez, then the coordinator for Pima County’s neighborhood reinvestment program, asked them to pitch ideas for fundable improvement projects. But Juarez bridged leader-resident trust—and replaced a pedestrian bridge that resembled the rickety old one in Indiana Jones with an amazing new bridge. The Dangerous Waterway Most times, the Rodeo Wash is dry. But during thunderstorms and rainy seasons, the ...

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Residents Petition for ‘Complete Streets’ Rules in Phoenix

Complete Streets were nearing a dead end in Phoenix. But after 42 meetings and three years of inaction, members of the city's Complete Streets Advisory Board started a citizens' petition to finally spur city leaders to vote on new Complete Streets guidelines. The vote is set for May 2018. Phoenix's Complete Street guidelines—to design streets for all users, walkers, bikers, commuters, drivers—were originally set for 2015. In fact, the Complete Streets Advisory Board was established in 2014 to create Complete Streets design guidelines for adoption by City Council within one year. However, a lengthy review process obstructed adoption, and the city continued to build streets for cars rather than for people. Advisory board members, fed up as people continued to be killed on ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 4/17: Climate Changes Health—Transportation & Community Design

Climate change is happening and it can worsen health. Automobiles, for example, impact the climate by contributing to extreme heat, poor air quality, and health issues like asthma. Extreme weather conditions can damage transportation networks, limiting access to education, employment, or healthcare, and can lead to spikes in gasoline prices. Vulnerable populations—Latinos, low-income communities, the elderly, children, and people with chronic illnesses—are less able to adapt to or recover from these climate change impacts, increasing their risk for heart disease, diabetes, heat stroke, asthma, stress, anxiety and depression. Clean transportation and healthy community design can ease the negative health impacts of climate change and have the potential to reduce obesity, heart ...

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Millennials & Latinos Willing to Pay Higher Taxes to Expand Public Transit in Atlanta

Latinos say they face bigger transportation struggles and public health issues than non-Latinos in Atlanta, and they're willing to pay higher taxes to improve public transportation, according to a new survey. The Atlanta Regional Commission's annual survey ask Atlanta residents their views on transportation, education, health, and more. Overall, residents tabbed transportation as their top concern for the fourth straight year. Transportation is a big deal because it affects day-to-day life. It also affects mental and physical health, professional success, and climate change. Yet, transportation looks very different across the country. Cities with poor transportation options are often burdened by health disparities, economic segregation, and poor air quality. For example, many ...

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Two Latino-Populated Cities Named among ‘Best Complete Streets Initiatives’

roundabout in bonita florida

Bonita Springs, Fla. (31% Latino) and Las Cruces, N.M. (60% Latino) were among 12 cities recognized in "The Best Complete Streets Initiatives of 2017" report by the National Complete Streets Coalition of Smart Growth America. Complete Streets policies direct transportation planners and engineers to design streets with all users in mind. That includes people who walk, bike, take public transit, carpool or drive. This, in turn, helps address chronic disease, equitable economic growth, and reduced car dependence. The National Complete Streets Coalition sought exemplary examples of Complete Streets and advocates in 2017. Using their 100-point grading system, they selected the 12 Best Complete Streets initiatives. In many communities, roads and streets are barriers to access ...

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