Champion Mom’s Tips on Eating Right


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Working mom, Graciela knows that time and money count when it comes to family meals. She is one of many Latina moms that prove that home cooked meals are best and that there are many time-saving tricks you can use in the kitchen to provide healthy family meals throughout the week.

Graciela is part of a network of Champions under the organization, Champions for Change where mom’s who take the time to make sure their kids are healthy, are noticed and promoted to “champion moms“. Similar to SaludHeroes, these individuals in California take healthier choices to the next step and ensure that their families are making the healthy choice, the easy choice.

Champions take notice of the resources at hand, in order to encourage healthier choices within their family, neighborhood or workplace. They advocate for communities to get moving, learn about sugary drinks, eat healthily and inspire more change!

Get inspired and learn how you too can be a Champion for change now!

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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